tisdag 9 augusti 2011

Jolly Bob

This is my first attempt at painting a tartan and it didn't turn out that well. At first I was going to call him Aberdeen Angus, a good name and a good wine (from Argentina of all places), but his tartan was too bad. In stead I call him Jolly Bob after a very old Swedish song about the sailor Jolly Bob from Aberdeen. In real life he is from Strelets' Medieval Britain-set, so he is British with a lot of Russian in him.

And Molly and Sally don't have a history at all. Just two Preiser girls from one of their sets called something with 1900 in the title. Preiser's idea was probably a beach scene.

And that poor fellow (I'm going to call him Averell I think) is an ESCI ACW Union casualty. One of the very few they ever made.

And the house? Made from cardboard and I'm not very good at this, but I try and I have fun. :-D And the house is from this book (still available):

3 kommentarer:

  1. Looking good so far mate.

    Cheers Rich.

  2. So what happened? The Scot kicked the girls out of the house and the Yankee fell over from the shock of it?

    That is good work you have done on those buildings, and having done some I think you could step beyond the book and make them to your own designs afterward if you felt like it.

    I like the effect of the trees in the side since I know their secret origin and recognize them for what they were.

    James Keith was a field marshal for Frederick the Great after having been in the Russian army before that, so there's a Russian Scot who made good. Of course Gustavus had a bunch of them too. And some even live around here, they get around.

  3. Thanks for the comments. Making my own houses? Nah, that feels like a lot of work. I'm not very good at making stuff like this. Maybe I can add a little shed at some base later, but for now this is quite enough for me. Maybe Jolly Bob AND the girls where in that room together... Hmmm, naughty? No, they played monopoly. Or? :-D
